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Endorse Shared Parenting Today!

People from all walks of life support Shared Parenting.  Everyone is invited to participate.  Show your support by endorsing our statement!

 The Statement

"Shared Parenting is an issue which knows no bounds.  It is neither the domain of conservatives or liberals, poor or wealthy, and pays  no attention to ethnicity or gender. The issue transcends all demographics.  Our  goals are shared, and should be supported, across all sectors of society.

Children benefit most from the active involvement of both parents regardless of their marital status.  The undersigned recognize  that absent issues of abuse, neglect or abandonment, government  policy and laws must be structured in such a way as to maximize the  opportunity of all parents to contribute to the social, emotional, intellectual,  physical, moral and spiritual development of their children."

We need your help!
While we wish we could change Family Law for free, the fact is, advocacy costs money. If you could even make a $10 donation, it would dramatically help the Cause of Equally Shared Parenting.
Donate now and help us make a real difference!