Will Governor Scott Side with the Establishment?

In “Explaining the Trump Phenomenon” Stanford Professors Brady and Rivers consider if the anti-establishment rise is caused by American’s believing “special interests use their money to get their way most or all of the time and the government does not care about people like them.” They conclude: “much of Donald Trump’s support appears to come from Republicans who have lost faith in Washington.” While excellent, the piece excluded the “human interest” side, an example of which is unfolding as Florida Governor Scott considers Alimony Reform/Shared Parenting.

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Nebraska; Separating Moral and Immoral Attorneys

Questioning practicing attorneys about the structure or results of the divorce industry brings varying responses.  While more judges and attorneys acknowledge the adversarial structure of Family Court is an abomination for citizens and more attorneys are publicly stating their support for shared parenting, there remain those who defend the current system as best.  This group defends their profession by claiming they aren’t just attorneys, but “child advocates”, who would staunchly advocate for systemic change if such would indeed benefit children. 

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