Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW
Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW
Terry is a licensed clinical social worker and popular writer at Huffington Post. Her advice and experience have helped countless people return to productive living after divorce. Combining her professional knowledge and a family history of five generations of divorce, Terry knows first hand the value of children maintaining a full relationship with both parents, even as the parents relationship is failing. Her desire to lessen the negative impact of divorce on future generations leads to her support and involvement with LW4SP.
A selection of Terry's articles on Divorce and Shared Parenting:
The Unintended Plight of Children of Divorce. March, 2013
Happy Father's Day: A Special Message to Divorced Dads of Daughters. June, 2012
Breaking the Legacy of Divorce Huffington Post Divorce. September, 18, 2012
Toward a Resources and Stressors Model: The Psychological Adjustment of Adult Children of Divorce. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage. Vol.24. Winter 1996. Roger Clark and Terry Clifford (Gaspard).
Family Climate, Family Structure and Self-Esteem in College Females: The Psychological Wholeness Divorce Debate Revisited. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage. Vol.22. Spring 1995. Terry Clifford (Gaspard) and Roger Clark.
Terry's website is movingpastdivorce.com