Karen Kristjanson
Karen Kristjanson M.Sc., M.A., Master Integral Coach™
To Karen, parenting is perhaps the most important work in the world. Shared parenting, she believes, can also be the hardest. For her book "Co-Parenting from the Inside Out: Voices of Moms and Dads" she interviewed forty mothers and fathers doing shared parenting, to offer their thoughts, feelings and experiences to other tackling similar challenges. She shared parenting of her sons, now 27 and 30, and (whew) thinks they turned out just fine.
As well as vitally important work, shared parenting can be a crucible for growth. Karen, as a coach, supports and challenges individuals to learn to act more skillfully in striving towards their goals. They grow in awareness, power and wisdom.
Her website is beyondlimitscoaching.com.