Dr. Hildegund Sunderhauf
Dr. Hildegund Suenderhauf
Hildegund was a practicing family law attorney for three years before becoming a Professor for Family Law at the Lutheran University of applied sciences in Nuremberg Germany. She has been in her position at Lutheran University since 2000.
Hildegund researched shared parenting for more than four years while writing her 920 page book "Shared Parenting, psychology - law - best practice" (Springer VS. Wiesbaden) which was published in August 2013. Parts of the book will also be translated into English and are expected to be published in 2014.
Hildegund is also the Chair of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Shared Parenting in Bonn, Germany and is preparing for the upcoming conference held July 9 - 11, 2014. She is published on multiple additional family law topics including parental responsibility, foster care, guardianship, adoption and mediation.
Hildegund is the Mother of two wonderful daughters, ages 7 and 8.