Dorcy (Russell) Pruter
Dorcy (Russell) Pruter
Dorcy (Russell) Pruter is the Founder and CEO of Conscious Co-Parenting Institute. The primary focus of Dorcy's work is high conflict custody disputes involving parental alienation or child estrangement. Her goal is to help establish custody plans and co-parenting roles that encourage positive relationships between children and BOTH parents. Working with both mothers and fathers, she has spent her time dealing with high conflict divorce as a family reunification coach and custody consultant, nationally and internationally.
Dorcy provides education though co-parenting courses focused on solutions for Parental Alienation. She provides education and consultations/coaching services and solutions for parents, attorneys, therapist and children going through custody battles and divorce.
Dorcy has extensive experiences in all aspects of Parental Alienation from her own personal experience as a child, as a divorced conscious co-parent of two beautiful daughters, and through past relationships and in current marriage where her is being alienated from his child. She has been working for the past several years with target parents and children helping them overcome the realities of a high conflict divorce.
Dorcy has partnered with some of the worlds leading experts in Parental Alienation to bring forth the solution to parental alienation. A powerful process that puts the power back in the hands of the parents where it belongs.
Dorcy reunited with her father, after many years of severe alienation. Dorcy and her father now have a healthy loving relationship that goes beyond what she has ever imagined.
At the Conscious Co-parenting Institute, Dorcy and her associates have the vision of eliminating Parental Alienation from the family dynamic,shifting the world?s limiting beliefs about divorced families and to shift divorced families dealing with the pain of Parental Alienation from divided to united through the fostering of unconditional love and personal accountability.