Dianna Thompson
Dianna Thompson
Dianna is a nationally recognized expert on families, stepfamilies, and divorce related issues. Dianna is an authority on domestic policy as it pertains to men, women and children. A long time political analyst, lobbyist, and spokesperson, Dianna has testified all over the country on Shared Parenting legislation. She served as the Chairman of the Family Law Reform Committee in Los Angeles, CA.
Dianna has made numerous local and national television appearances, including the NBC Today Show, NBC The John Walsh Show, CNN, CNN Financial Network, Fox News Live, Montel Williams, MSNBC, and Court TV's Catherine Crier. She has also made hundreds of radio appearances, including National Public Radio, Radio America, Talk America, ABC Radio, CBS Radio, the Jim Bohannon Show, the Dennis Prager Show, the Lionel Show, the Mike Gallagher Show, the John & Ken Show, the Bill Handel Show, the Jason Lewis Show, the Tom Leykis Show, the Chris Core Show, the BBC, and more.
Dianna has written columns for or been quoted in hundreds of major newspapers and magazines, including Time Magazine, Redbook, Jane Magazine, the ABA Journal, Playboy, Smart Money, Black Enterprise, Insight magazine, USA Today, the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, Newsday, the Orange County Register, the Detroit News, the Washington Times, the Boston Globe, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Washington Post, the Newark Star Ledger, the Miami Herald, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, the Christian Science Monitor, the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, the Sacramento Bee, the Tulsa World, the Houston Chronicle, the San Diego Union Tribune, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the New York Sun Times, the Chicago Sun Times, the Cincinnati Post, the Seattle Times, and the Associated Press.
Dianna also has written articles for or been quoted on hundreds of websites including ABC.com, CBS.com, MSNBC.com, Foxnews.com, WorldNetDaily.com, Newsmax.com, RushLimbaugh.com, Townhall.com, Salon.com, Pravda, JewishWorldReview.com, GOPUSA.com, Heritage Foundation, iFeminists.com, CatholicExchange.com, Yahoo.com, and CybercastNewsService.com.
Dianna is the former editor of Fathers & Families magazine and former Radio Show Host of a weekly radio show broadcasted in 40 markets on Radio America out of Washington DC. Dianna is the author of the social policy article "Child Support and Second Families" in the book "Choices in Relationships: An Introduction to Marriage and the Family" published by Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Dianna is a sought after speaker and has spoken all over the country regarding shared parenting, divorce, and family related issues affecting men, women, and families.