Barbara Kay
Barbara Kay
Barbara has authored several books and as a writer for the National Post has penned over 600 columns . She has written numerous articles on the need to reform Canada's family courts to provide children greater access to both parents. Below are links to some of her works on this subject.
Her website is
Links to several of Barbara's articles on Family, the Courts and Society
- Fair Play for Divorced Dads April 3, 2013
- Seeking an Alternative to Children's Aid Societies March 6, 2013
- One Father's Fight for Gender Neutral Justice October 17, 2012
- Nature, Not Government, Is why Women put Families First June 29,2012
- A Father's Day Downer - June 17, 2012
- Britain Strikes First Major Blow for Father's Rights June 14, 2012
- Obama Should Not Be Promoting Single Parent Families June 13, 2012
- Alberta Study Paints False Picture of Domestic Violence March 14, 2012
- It Takes Two to Raise a Child February 15, 2012
Visit Barbara's website for a complete article archive.