Alison Bushell
Alison Bushell
Alison is the Director of Child and Family Solutions ltd, the co-founder of and is a Social Worker with 22 years Local Authority experience, most of it working in the field of Child Protection. She has also been a Children’s Guardian over the last 10 of those years.
She has been working as a McKenzie Friend now for nearly two years and specialises in complex and high conflict cases, some of which are now in the High Court. She has a particularly robust attitude to cases of Parental Alienation both as a Guardian and as a McKenzie friend and has successfully helped several alienated parents change the situation for the child and has on several occasions effected a transfer of residence in the more extreme situations. Alison is also a fully qualified paralegal.
Alison has until recently worked in London and is experienced in dealing with diversity. She has advised parents in same sex relationships and is able to assist in culturally complex matters in an informed and skilled way.
Her testimonials from both colleagues and clients attest to the respect she has built up in the Courts and to her good interpersonal skills. She has an energetic and solutions-focussed approach to the challenges of family law and consistently achieves good results for her clients. Alison is a trained counsellor and has appreciable experience of mediation and conciliation work.
She is now based in Suffolk but is able to cover most of the South and South East.